Dr. Sandhya Thapa

Sikkim University Official Website

Dr Praveen Mishra

Prof. Sandhya Thapa

Designation: Professor

Date of Joining: 15.05.2014

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic record & distinction

 Recipient of University Silver Medal in MA

Areas of Specialization  

Ethnicity, Gender Studies, Development ,  Education, Cultural Studies

Latest Publications

1. Thapa, Sandhya (2016). Exploring the Trend of Girls Education among Lepchas in Rural Sikkim, Journal of Indian Anthropological Society, Volume,51

2. Thapa , Sandhya (2016) SarvaShikshaAbhiyan and Girls’ Education: A Trend Analysis, Eastern Quartely,Volume 10, Issues 1 &2.

3. Thapa, Sandhya & Swati A Sachdevas ( 2017), Institution of Dzumsa in North Sikkim : A Sociological Understanding, Sociological Bulletin, Sage Publications

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